SET design for Protagonist by Jefta van Dinther for Cullbergbaletten
Protagonist is a contemplation on mankind. Songs of revolution and dances of evolution tell a tale of how people congregate, take on and are given roles. All the while instinct, resistance and compulsion become evidence of the battle each and every individual is fighting. Struggling to belong, in search for a common meaning or belief, a community takes shape. Protagonist is a parable about care, kinship and alliance as well as isolation, control and estrangement.
Choreography: Jefta van Dinther | Dance: 14 dancers in Cullbergbaletten | Sound design: David Kiers | Song, voice-over and original composition: ELIAS | Lighting design: Minna Tiikkainen | Costume: Marita Tjärnström | Set design: SIMKA | Text: Jefta van Dinther | Assistant choreographer: Thiago Granato | Rehearsal director: Thomas Zamolo | Artistic advice: Robert Steijn, Cecilia Roos and Felix Bethge | Distribution: Koen Vanhove - Key Performance | Protagonist is a production by Cullbergbaletten